Perspectives for Nurses & Caregivers

Start your future in Germany

You enjoy working with people and have a training as a nurse? You are open to a career change and are not afraid Challenges?
Take your chance now and work as a nurse in Germany!

Germany needs nurses

In Germany, there are not enough nurses in hospitals and senior homes. In order to People in need of care do not suffer from this deficiency. Be closed as soon as possible.
This is your chance! We hire nurses especially from the Philippines to work in Germany.
Here you work in a hospital or nursing home where yours qualifications are appreciated.
To go this way, you need energy, commitment and perseverance.
But after that you have the chance for a new professional and private future.

Safe work & fair salary

In Germany you expect a secure job and a fair salary. In addition, expand your horizon, learn a new language and meet many new people.
So that you feel comfortable in your new environment, we take care of your linguistic training and prepare you specifically for the German job market. Also later you have the possibility to attend further education. In addition, we ensure your professional recognition well as your work and residence permit.
Take the opportunity to develop yourself professionally and personally. We support you there!

Our application program

Apply now and start your successful future. We accompany you with everyone

  1. Application, application interview, contract
  2. Professional training, language course, professional recognition
  3. Work and residence permit
  4. Start of work, integration

Our Offer

We offer you an attractive workplace, financial security and many other advantages:

  • Permanent employment contract
  • Flexible working hours
  • Training opportunities
  • Fair and punctual salary and
  • Collectively agreed security